
Exercise is only part of the equation in achieving your health and fitness goals. Nutrition lays the foundation for true health and impacts not only how we look, but how we feel, think, and thrive with the absence of disease and illness.

We are often flooded with conflicting diet and nutrition information, and it is easy to get overwhelmed when trying to make healthy choices.

While general nutritional advice is straightforward and easily accessible, applying it and making it specific to your needs can be difficult. Losing weight, performing better, improving body composition, having more energy, improving digestion, and figuring out what foods actually work for YOU (not just what is “healthy”) goes beyond just counting calories or following a meal plan.

With our quarterly nutrition challenges, free workshops/seminars, and nutrition coaching, we provide the tools and support you need to make simple changes that help you to build your nutrition foundation.

Our nutrition services can help you to:

Have more energy – get going without relying on pre-workout and get through the afternoon without needing 3 cups of coffee.


Improve performance – by focusing on quality and the right macronutrient ratios, you will know what to eat / when to eat to support your energy needs


Manage cravings – get over sugar, carb, and salty cravings so you don’t have to rely on willpower


Sleep better – fall asleep easily and stay asleep so you can wake up with energy


Support your metabolism – with the right protein, carbs, and fats so you can lose weight long term


Improve digestion – since gut health is the foundation to overall health, it’s important to add in the foods to support a healthy gut

If you’re ready to learn what foods fuel your body so that you have more energy, perform better, and improve body composition, contact us at [email protected].

Our Team

Cameron Currie

Certified in Precision Nutrition Level 1
Certified in Working Against Gravity

Cameron is a husband, business owner (Base3 Fitness), a CrossFit coach, and a lover of all things outdoorsy. Having worked in the fitness world for over 10 years, Cameron has been exposed to countless nutrition strategies. In that time, he’s seen how a very strict protocol can quickly be abandoned and how something too relaxed is altogether ignored. It’s all about balance for Cameron. He wants to help you create a sustainable approach to your nutrition and, more importantly, a realistic one that aligns with your goals.

He knows that there is an overwhelming amount of nutrition and fitness information available 24/7 thanks to the wonders of social media with each promising dramatic changes if you just follow along for a few weeks. This only serves to create confusion and the dreaded dietary re-bound. Cameron’s goal is to help you cut through the noise and understand the basics of nutrition so that you can not only distinguish truth from trends but set goals you can realistically achieve and create progress that you can actually maintain for a lifetime.

Cameron loves working with:

  • People who have been riding the dietary roller-coaster for years and just want consistency.
  • Performance athletes looking to maximize their output and recovery between competitions or daily workouts.
  • Anyone looking to learn how to adopt positive daily lifestyle habits and educate themselves on a sustainable approach to nutrition.

Our Offerings

Ballston CrossFit provides basic nutritional seminars throughout the year as a service to our membership at no additional charge.

Ballston CrossFit also runs 4-8 week group Nutrition Challenges throughout the year managed by one of our Nutrition coaches. See our website announcements for the next challenge. There is a fee for Nutrition challenges.

One-on-One Individualized Nutrition Counseling

“Macro Pro”

$100/Month MTM

This package is for people who have tracked macros before and are comfortable navigating the world of tracking macros but just need a little accountability. You’ll receive 4 monthly check-ins and tracking with Truecoach or spreadsheet and coach access for difficult situations or questions.

“Macro Foundations”

$200/month (3 Month minimum)

A 3-month nutritional crash course where you learn the basics. Think of this as a nutrition “On-Ramp” or foundations. You’ll learn what carbs, fats, and proteins are. You’ll get a custom set of macros. With near-daily touch points, you’ll change the way you think about food and over the course of 3-months, you’ll learn a variety of tactics so you can ultimately apply what works best for you and your lifestyle.

“Custmizable Nutrition Counseling”

$100/Month (3 Month Minimum): initial 1 hour in-person consultation + two follow-up appointments

  • Initial consult includes diet history evaluation, nutrition education, behavioral counseling, goal setting, personalized resources and handouts
  • Individualized follow-ups based on client needs

** Format of follow-up appointments is determined based on needs of client after 1st session, but can include: continued nutrition counseling, education, and goal setting; counseling on poor body image and restoring relationship with food; home/family visits and cooking demonstrations; grocery store tour and understanding food labels; sweat rate and hydration needs assessment; fueling for performance nutrition; food diary assessment and feedback

** Initial consult will always be in-person but follow-ups can be in-person or virtual, based on client preference

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